Team Details

Camille Kramer Courbariaux

Co-fondatrice | Directrice YUX Design

Lancé en mai 2016, YUX est une entreprise de recherche et de design. Notre ambition est de démocratiser le design et de co-créer avec les utilisateurs Africains des produits et services numériques adaptés à leur diversité. Nous sommes une équipe de 30 chercheurs et designers basés à Dakar, Abidjan, Kigali, Lagos et Accra. Nous avons travaillé en partenariat avec des clients pour des projets de recherche et de design sur tout le continent et même en Asie !

Camille KRAMER COURBARIAUX is the co-founder of YUX Design, a panafrican research and design firm. She is responsible for developing YUX’s training program through the YUX Academy, aiming at training and nurturing the next generation of African designers. Her responsibilities include strategic leadership, relationship with partners, program coordination as well as the specific question of YUX’s internal capacity building. Previously Research Lead at YUX she managed and trained the research team as well as coordinated all aspects of research and design projects with the partners: planning and scope, qualitative and quantitative research, analysis and cocreation, concept and service design, user testing, etc. She is engaged in making human centered design a reality for African organizations and companies, by launching initiatives such as LOOKA, a quantitative research tool. She arrived in Senegal in 2013 and co-founded Concree, where she supported early- stage startups to define their business model and bootstrap their launch. Later with LezGo she designed an entire SaaS platform for incubators. She holds a Master of Business from Grenoble School of Management and a Master in Product Design from Strate school of Design.